About the Artist

Meet Sarah Jane Post, a talented and versatile artist with a passion for creating beautiful and meaningful pieces in a variety of mediums. Sarah Jane was born in Michigan and has been practicing art and design since the age of 14. She received her BFA from the Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan, where she explored many mediums and traditional techniques of art, including bronze sculpture, printmaking, and painting.
After completing her studies, Sarah Jane moved to New York City and worked as an apprentice for four years, learning the craft of producing high-quality handmade leather goods and the inner workings of running a production shop. During that time, she also continued her design studies at the Pratt Institute of Art and the School of Visual art focusing on 3D digital design and graphic design. In search of new adventures and a fresh perspective, Sarah Jane moved to Denver in 2021 to embrace her inner explorer. As an artist with a constant thirst for exploration and new experiences, Sarah Jane uses her need to travel as a source of inspiration for her paintings, which in turn inform the designs and functions of her handcrafted leather bags. Whether she is traversing the rugged terrain of the mountains or wandering the bustling streets of a city, Sarah Jane is always on the lookout for new ideas and inspiration to bring back to her studio and translate into her art and design work. Since then, her work designing and handcrafting leather bags, creating beautiful prints, and art collectables has been growing at a rapid rate.
Everything Sarah Jane sells online or in person is handmade in her studio in Denver, ensuring that each piece is unique and of the highest quality. From leather bags and art prints to one-of-a-kind art collectibles, Sarah Jane's work is truly special and sure to be treasured for years to come.